ルーツ&シューツのイベントを開催します! ──ジェーン博士の90歳の誕生日を祝して Roots & Shoots Youth Conference Registration Open── Celebrate Jane's 90th Birthday & Share Your wisdom!

4月3日に90歳の誕生日を迎えるJGIの創始者ジェーン・グドール博士。世界70カ国近くに広がるユース主導の環境プログラムRoot & Shootsでは、彼女の誕生日を各地でセレブレイトします。
Sneak Peek Program Guide
場所:横浜インターナショナルスクール(〒231-0802 横浜市中区小港町2-100-1)
主催:ジェーン・グドール・インスティテュート ジャパン、横浜インターナショナルスクール
Dr. Jane Goodall, founder of Jane Goodall Institute, will celebrate her 90th birthday on April 3rd. The youth-led global community action program, Root & Shoots, spanning nearly 70 countries worldwide, will commemorate her birthday with celebrations around the globe.
In Japan, communities will come together on March 31st to share past achievements, future endeavors, and to collectively celebrate the start of initiatives. The youth conference will be held both in-person and online, featuring a hybrid format. Additionally, there are plans for charity item releases, film screenings, and talk sessions.
Sneak Peek Program Guide
・Sending Dr. Jane a birthday wish together! (The video message will be sent to Dr. Jane on her birthday)
・Youth Conference (approximately 1 hour. Share your story, get inspired, and celebrate each other’s steps!)
・Movie time! (An exciting and hopeful story on biodiversity)
……and more!
Stay tuned for further details.
Even if you haven’t started any activities yet, those interested in learning more about Roots & Shoots are very welcome!
Everyone from children to adults can participate in the event.
Join us and resonate with Dr. Jane’s vision!
DATE: Sunday 31st March 2024, 13:00-17:00
Venue: Yokohama International School
(2-100-1 Kominato-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0802 Japan)
Admission Fee: Free (Donations are always welcome!)
Host: Jane Goodall Institute Japan, Yokohama International School
Contact: info@jgi-japan.info
*This is not an event where Dr. Jane will be visiting Japan.
*On the day of the event, we will be taking photos and video. If anyone prefers not to be captured please let us know.
Event Registration