Jane Goodall Institute Japan - ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート・ジャパン


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Meet the Roots & Shoots St. Mary's International School!



 東京都にあるセント・メリーズ・インターナショナル・スクール (St. Mary’s International School)のルーツ&シューツのグループが毎週行っている定例のクラブミーティングにお邪魔しました!なんとRoots & Shoots Headquartersというポスターが入口に貼られた部屋が校内にあり、心から感銘を受けました。







Text: Mina Oba

I visited St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo, Japan, where the Roots & Shoots group holds its regular weekly club meeting! I was truly encouraged to see a room in the school with a poster written “Roots & Shoots Headquarters” at the entrance.

This group, consisting of four members from the 6th and 7th graders and one teacher supervisor who supports the students’ service learning, is working on actions that can be taken to achieve the 17 goals of the SDGs.

In response to goal number 2 “Zero Hunger”, they are working to promote the UN WFP’s Freerice. This program is an English word game developed by the UN WFP and 10 grains of rice is donated to the WFP for each question answered. 100% of all funds generated via Freerice go to the WFP. To grow communication and learn more about interesting resources around the world is also an important action we can do.

They are starting to collect Tetra Pak within the school to promote recycling, and collect Bell Mark points to address goal number 4 “Quality Education”. Bellmark activity is one of the Japanese traditional SDGs activities in which we can support social and educational facilities. In addition, they have launched an in-school waste awareness project in response to Goal 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”. They are planning to weigh and visualize the amount of lunch time food waste. After that, they would like to present to the school’s catering team so that they can make adjustments to their menu and ultimately, have less food waste. 

The group also folded 1,000 paper cranes and took them to Hiroshima with prayers for world peace, and to approach goal number 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”.

They had many questions, such as “What does Jane Goodall Institute do?” and shared stories about her holistic work (for example, the community lead conservation program TACARE). At the end of the club meeting I asked each group member about their current interests. A 6th grade student who is interested in planetary geology said he would like to learn more about the animal extinction, which is mostly caused by human activities. A 7th grade student who just visited a remote island in Japan with his family said he would like to think more about how we can preserve our beautiful natural environment we have now. Another student said that he is concerned about how we can stop deforestation.

Thank you for the inspirational work!

Together we can change the world. Together we must. ──Dr. Jane Goodall

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