Jane Goodall Institute Japan - ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート・ジャパン



清里ミーティング2023のポスターセッションに参加しました! Joined the Kiyosato Meeting 2023 organized by Japan Environmental Education Program




今回、久々の対面開催ということで否が応でも熱気の高まる会場で、ポスターセッションの機会をいただき、JGI -Japanとして初めましてのご挨拶と、Roots & Shootsのお披露目をさせていただきました。





Text: Kiyoshi Koike

We had the opportunity to participate in the Kiyosato Meeting 2023, organized by the Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF), representing JGI-Japan for the first time. This meeting, now in its 37th edition, is a traditional event where leaders in Japan who work in environmental conservation and climate change actions gather, along with students, researchers, and corporate groups.

Being a face-to-face event after a long time, the venue was filled with enthusiastic energy. We were grateful for the chance to present during the poster session, offering greetings on behalf of JGI-Japan and introducing our Roots & Shoots initiative for the first time. Many of those actively engaged in this field expressed their admiration for Dr. Jane Goodall, providing valuable insights and guidance for the future development of R&S. We realized that some attendees were not aware of Dr. Goodall’s visit to Japan in July, and we acknowledged our shortfall, promising to collaborate in the future.

The program and organization were truly inspiring. The experience has fueled our aspirations at JGI-Japan. We dream of organizing a Global Youth Summit for the R&S group, bringing together participants from around the world in Japan.

Text: Kiyoshi Koike

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