ジェーン博士へお手紙をお届け! ズーラシアにて開催したチンパンジーの日のイベントをプレイバック
Delivered the letters to Dr. Jane Goodall! Throwback of the Chimpanzee Day event held at Zoorasia

7月14日のチンパンジーの日、日本ではズーラシアさんの協力を得てチンパンジーの日のイベントを開催しました。Roots & Shootsのグループメンバーの皆さんから、チンパンジー好きの一般の方々まで!合計40名ほどが集まりました。
そして翌週、ロンドンで開催されたRoots & Shootsのカンファレンスに参加したスタッフの大庭が、ジェーン博士へ届けました(カンファレンスについては、また別のニュースレターでご報告いたします)。大変喜んで受け取ってくださりました。ジェーン博士の元には常にたくさんのお手紙が届きますが、忙しい中でも一枚一枚目を通して読んでいます。時には返事をしたり、その地域に住むスタッフに繋げることも。
On World Chimpanzee Day, July 14th, we held an event in Japan with the cooperation of Zoorasia. The event included talks by JGI staff about Chimpanzee Day, Dr. Jane Goodall’s discoveries, and the current state of wild chimpanzees.
Following this, Zoorasia’s keeper Mr. Yamaguchi shared insights into the unique personalities and lives of each chimpanzee. It is notable that the chimpanzee group at Zoorasia is known for their thorough greetings. The reliable leader, Kazuya, is very kind and was seen lovingly caring for 8-month-old Kosachi.🐵
Additionally, we invited Mr. Naokuni Kato, a safari guide officially recognized by the Kenyan government, who shared exciting stories about safaris which makes your zoo exploration even more fun and informative!🐘🦒🦁We learned about the characteristics of the animals at Zoorasia and the behaviors. Thanks to Zoorasia, the environment the animals live closely resembles their natural habitat. For example, at Zoorasia, you can see giraffes spreading their legs to drink water from ponds or the ground—a common sight in the wild but rare in many zoos. This is because if the ground isn’t made of soil, there’s a risk of the giraffe slipping when it spreads its legs. There are many learning opportunities hidden in the animals’ behaviors and their living environments. Through fascinating stories about animals like the lions and wildebeest migration, I am sure many participants were inspired to take part in ecotourism.
For further story of Naokuni and his encounter with Dr. Jane, please take look through an interview story “Me & Jane”.
Afterward, we watched a video message from Dr. Jane Goodall and wrote letters to her. We placed the letters into a charity tin which has Dr. Jane’s illustration with a chimp.
The following week, our staff member, Mina, who attended the Roots & Shoots conference in London, delivered the letters to Dr. Jane (we’ll share more about the conference in a separate newsletter). Dr. Jane was delighted to receive them. Although she constantly receives numerous letters, she takes the time to read each one carefully, and sometimes even responds or connects with local staff in the closest area.
Thank you very much to ALL for participating in the World Chimpanzee Day event and showing compassion and love.
We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to Zoorasia and to Safari Guide Mr. Kato for their tremendous cooperation in this event. 💚💚💚