Jane Goodall Institute Japan - ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート・ジャパン



春の特別入会キャンペーン実施! コンベの森で栽培されたコーヒーをプレゼント(一般会員3000円、学生2000円) Spring Special Membership Campaign! Receive a gift of coffee grown in the forests of Gombe! (General Membership: ¥3,000 / Student Membership: ¥2,000)


春の特別入会キャンペーン実施! コンベの森で栽培されたコーヒーをプレゼント(一般会員3000円、学生2000円)

この度、ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート ジャパンでは、春に迎えるジェーン博士のバースデーを記念し、皆様に当会の活動を応援いただける 特別入会キャンペーンを実施いたします。



2月14日(金)までに年会費会員としてご入会いただいた皆様に、ジェーン・グドール博士がチンパンジーの研究を行ってきたタンザニア・キゴマ・ゴンベの森で栽培されたコーヒー(シングルオリジン・スペシャルティクラス)をプレゼントいたします。このスペシャルなコーヒーは、春木屋 コーヒーロースタリーが今回特別に作成してくださりました。特別なコラボレーションに、心からの感謝申し上げます。

春木屋 コーヒーロースタリーの清水洋征さん


缶のデザインは、ベルリンを拠点に活動する絵本作家のRisa Kusumotoさんが描いてくださり、アフリカの虫や生き物を見つけてみてください。”Together We Can. Together We Must”と記されたジェーンさんの直筆メッセージにも注目です。





私たちと共に、ジェーン博士のビジョンを実現しませんか? 皆様のご入会を心よりお待ちしております。



Spring Special Annual Membership Campaign to Celebrate Dr. Jane Goodall’s Birthday!

The Jane Goodall Institute Japan is excited to announce a special membership campaign in honor of Dr. Jane Goodall’s birthday this spring. We invite everyone to support our activities and join us in creating a better future for all.

Membership Categories and Annual Fees

  • General Membership: ¥3,000
  • Student Membership: ¥2,000
  • Family Membership: ¥5,000

[Join here]

If you sign up for membership by Friday, February 14, you will receive a special gift: coffee grown in the forests of Gombe in Kigoma, Tanzania, where Dr. Jane Goodall conducted her groundbreaking chimpanzee research. This single-origin specialty coffee has been specially roasted by Harukiya Coffee Roastery for this campaign.

To reflect the rich biodiversity of the Gombe Forest, the coffee is roasted in seven levels, creating a complex and harmonious blend of flavors. A portion of the proceeds from coffee cultivation supports chimpanzee conservation and local environmental protection efforts in the Gombe region. Each can contains four drip bags of coffee, allowing you to enjoy a moment of connection with nature while contributing to its conservation. Messages from Hiroyuki Shimizu, the roaster, will also be shared on our social media platforms—stay tuned!

The can design is illustrated by Risa Kusumoto, a Berlin-based book artist. Look closely and see if you can spot African insects and creatures in the artwork! The can also features a handwritten message from Jane herself: “Together We Can. Together We Must.”

How Your Membership Supports Our Mission
Membership fees will go toward expanding Roots & Shoots in Japan, a global environmental and humanitarian youth program. Roots & Shoots empowers young people to choose and take action to make a difference for their communities, animals, and the environment. The program’s name, created by Dr. Jane Goodall, reflects the vision of roots spreading hope and shoots breaking through obstacles toward the light. Started in Tanzania in 1991, the program now operates in over 65 countries and engages over one million children annually.

The mission of Roots & Shoots is to inspire and increase the number of individuals acting for animals, nature, and humanity. It encourages hope for the future, compassion, creativity, and leadership, empowering people to solve societal challenges and create a better world. Following last year’s success, a Youth Conference is also planned for March 2 this year.

Membership Benefits
Members will receive regular newsletters, updates on Dr. Jane Goodall’s visits to Japan, and priority invitations to events.

To everyone who has supported our institute and to those considering joining us, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your support plays a significant role in building a better planet for future generations.

Will you join us in realizing Dr. Jane Goodall’s vision? We look forward to welcoming you as a member.

[Join here]

Note: Current members will receive this offer automatically. Only 50 cans of coffee are available, and the campaign will end once supplies run out. Updates regarding the campaign’s status will be shared on our website, newsletters, and social media.

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